
We’ve heard it before with the advent of the Kindle but this time it could be true – the end of the paper book could very well be upon us.

November 2007, we were told that the Kindle would revolutionize reading and end production of the paper book.  In reality however, this generation of e-readers are not as popular as anticipated due mostly to the aesthetics of the reading experience.  These devices use E Ink, a black and white display which is fine for text but incompatible with images, and other display options.

Enter Blio, a new e-reading software entirely unlike the others.  Created by Ray Kurzweil prolific inventor and author of The Singularity is Near, Blio isn’t a device it is a ‘platform’ designed to run on any device from your home PC to your moblie – eliminating the need for additional devices.  Blio sports some impressive features including with full colour graphical display, 2 page view, 3D page turning and web interface, making it a compatible interface for any kind of book from instructional text to childrens illustrated stories vs. it’s text onlycompetitors.  The application is free to download and the books can be downloaded directly from either the Blio website or the application itself.


Not surprisingly this advancement in technology has come about as a result of a collaborative venture.  Ray Kurzweil and his enterprise Kurzweil Technologies has a joint venture with the National Federation of the Blind called knfb Reading Technology to create reading products for people with disabilities. knfb Reading is the company that has created Blio and most certainly done so with every possible user in mind.

To learn more about Blio visit

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About John

“John Abele is a pioneer and leader in the field of less-invasive medicine, For more than four decades, John has devoted himself to innovation in health care, business and solving social problems.”

He is retired Founding Chairman of Boston Scientific Corporation. John holds numerous patents and has published and lectured extensively on the technology of various medical devices and on the technical, social, economic, and political trends and issues affecting healthcare.

His major interests are science literacy for children, education, and the process by which new technology is invented, developed, and introduced to society.

Current activities include Chair of the FIRST Foundation which works with high school kids to make being science-literate cool and fun, and development of The Kingbridge Centre and Institute, a conferencing institution whose mission is to research, develop, and teach improved methods for interactive conferencing: problem solving, conflict resolution, strategic planning, new methods for learning and generally help groups to become “Collectively intelligent.”

He lives with his wife and two dogs in Shelburne, Vermont.”

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